Chill Out, Pup: Your Guide to a Cool Canine Summer

Posted on: 05.06.2023
Takes only 4 minutes
Crew, as the summer sun turns up the heat, it's time to turn down the temperature for our furry friends. Here's our top tips for keeping your pup comfortably cool during those dog days of summer.

Frosty Treats and Hydration Heroes
First up, who can resist a frosty treat on a hot day? Your pup certainly can't! Homemade 'pupsicles' using dog-safe fruits, a dash of peanut butter, and a hint of dog-friendly broth are a hit. You can also make your doggo an ice cream. Our recipe is always handy here. These icy goodies not only keep your pup cool but provide a tasty, hydrating snack.

Equally important is ensuring your dog has access to fresh, cool water throughout the day. A little trick? Toss a few ice cubes into the water bowl for an extra refreshing drink.

Early Bird Gets the Worm
To beat the heat, opt for early morning or late evening walks when temperatures are lower. It's safer for your dog and gives you both a pleasant respite from the heat. Remember, if the pavement's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your dog's paws!

Shade Seekers and Indoor Enthusiasts
Make sure your pet has access to shaded spots. If natural shade is scarce, creating a cozy indoor nook with a fan can provide a refreshing retreat for your fur-baby.
Consider indoor activities to keep your pup engaged. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, or a good old game of hide and seek can keep your pet entertained and cool.

Keeping your pup comfortable in the summer heat may seem challenging, but with these ideas, it will be a breeze. Here’s to a cool, comfortable, and cheerfully waggy summer!