Dog chews as stress relief and better dental health

Posted on: 27.01.2023
Takes only 4 minutes
It's easy for us to take a yoga class and meditate when we are stress out.. but your pooch can't quite get into those asanas, let alone sit still for a minute (unless there is a new dog meditation app out there)
So, instread of losing your temper (and having to medite again) why not replace your favorite pair of shoes with some appropriate doggy chews. Let's show you how to keep both our and our pooches stress levels low, so we'll both be happy
Let's first look at Reasons Why You May Have a Heavy Chewer
Puppy phase 
Puppies adore chewing. They're just getting ready for that dog life and starting to teeth, trying to soothe sometimes irritated gums. Or your pup just wants to try new things in his mouth. Dog chews help a lot in the puppy phase. As the phase continues more that a few days, maybe it's a good idea to choose long-lasting chews such as deer antlers.

R-Line Antler Chew S easy TNC Pets


R-Line Antler Chew L hard TNC Pets


Fallow Deer Antler 12 sm hard TNC Pets

A dog with a lot of energy
If your dog doesn’t get enough play time or the daily walk is too short they might take their feelings out on your favourite shoes. In that case, it's a good idea to have a chew handy. Just show your doggo that the tasty treat is the right thing to be chewed on.
Normal Chewing Behavior
The chewing need is totally normal for dogs of all ages. This activity relieves the stress, makes keeps their jaws strong and their teeth clean. Dogs sometimes direct their chewing behavior toward inappropriate items, so they should have a variety of appropriate and attractive chew. 
Now, let's see how we can help solve the chewing issue
Teach your dog what is okay to be chewed on and what is not
While chewing behavior is normal, dogs sometimes direct their chewing behavior toward inappropriate items. Just providing the right things to chew isn’t enough to prevent inappropriate chewing. Dogs need to learn what is okay to chew and what is not. It is important for them to know that the chewing itself is not the problem, only the object they choose is.
Creating a safe space for your dog
Using a baby gate or a crate to create a safer space for them can reduce their chances for mischief. 
Variety of chews
In order to find out what your doggo likes on chewing and which is not that attractive for him, try on different chews.

White beef tail dogin'


Beef head skin cut 15cm dogin'


Pig inner ear dogin'

If you don't have enough time for choosing appropriate and attractive chews every month we could always help! Tell us more about your doggo HERE and we will be sending you a dogin'BOX every month, full with engaging chews, fun toys and tasty treats.