The ice-cream, you have to make for your dog!

Posted on: 10.03.2023
Takes only 2 minutes
Okay, the last few days have been hot and made us think about the summer more than we should. Moira enjoyed the warm weather and loved us for making this delicious ice cream. Creating it took less time compared to creating this article. So follow the steps and send us a picture of your dog licking ice cream!

1. Collect the ingredients. We used: yogurt, pork liver, strawberries, banana, and, of course, our favorite, peanut butter. If you are missing anything, you can always find it in our shop.

Dogin' Space Treats

2. Combine everything and enjoy the beauty. Blend or mash until you have a smooth texture.

3. Put everything in the toy, which acts as the ice cream waffle.

Almost ready

4. Call the cleaning crew


5. Give the ready ice cream and be ready to take photos and videos!