DOGUE - Karma's Destroyer Bite!

Posted on: 23.03.2023
Takes only 10 minutes
Hello crew! Dogue's third interview will be with your favorite Karma!

She is one of the first dogin'BOX subscribers and has been actively involved in not only destroying dozens of boxes but also in creating more durable and fun toys for all the doggos in the dogin' pack.

We got inside the busy daily schedule of Karma and managed to find answers to your questions about destroying everything. We also found out what pleasure a dog gets from this destructive behavior!

Karma! Why does this name strike such fear into chew manufacturers and what motivates you to chew every day?


30 seconds to lick the interviewer's limbs

Karma: I also don't understand why I'm being used as a scarecrow. Toys are made for dogs. Dogs, especially dogs like me, love to use the hard parts of their bodies for their intended purpose! If I don't chew for at least 4 hours today, I better not get out of bed at all. So hard toys and chews are a must in my day!

How does chewing help your life? Do you find improvements in your health when you chew?

Karma: Chewing and breathing are equally important to my survival. Different things to chew on help specific parts of my body and brain. I'll give you an example - when I chew something very hard, like deer antler R-line XXL HARD I train my molars, tighten my jaw and massage my brain. While gnawing on something like Buffalo penis, I brush my teeth, massage my gums and enjoy the taste! And the fur from rabbit ears removes digestive parasites and helps when I've eaten something that had upset my stomach.

And how many days did you manage to rest from chewing?

Karma: I don't know what will happen if I miss a whole day. It hasn't happened to me until today, I hope it will in the future!

What would you recommend to dog owners entering the chewing period?

Karma: Don't fight with nature. There is no way to stop your dog from chewing, and it is not helpful to do so. Watch what he's looking to chew on. Direct the doggo’s attention to the right things to chew - if he wants to bite the chair leg - get him an olive wood stick. If he wants to turn your expensive leather shoes into a salad, try a deerskin. And in case you're not sure what he'll like or he just chews them all - subscribe to dogin'BOX. That way you will entertain him with something different every month. 

And what's your favorite thing to nibble on?

Karma: Himalayan cheese. Even now that you remind me, I'm going to chew a little. We are done with the interview!

We trust that Karma will continue to enjoy perfect health and delicious and fun things to nibble on. We wish him to discover heaven on earth, filled with all his favorite chewy treats!

If you want your doggo to participate in the Dogue interviews, write to us at