Unleashing the Love: 5 Signs Your Dog Adores You

Posted on: 31.01.2023
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Unleashing the Love: 5 Signs Your Dog Adores You

We all know these, right? Dogs are known to be man's best friend, and for good reason. Their loyalty and affection towards their family is undeniable. If you're one of the few, wondering how much your doggo loves you, or you just need a reminder, look no further than these five adorable signs.

Wagging tail

A wagging tail is a classic sign of a dog's happiness and contentment. When your pup's tail is wagging, they're overjoyed to see you and happy to be in your presence. 

Licking you

Dogs show affection through licking, it's a sign of love and trust. Your pup may lick your face, hands, or feet as a way of showing you how much they care about you.

Freak out when you get home

When you come home, your doggo may greet you with a frenzy of barking and jumping. This is a clear indication that they've missed you and are overjoyed to see you again.

WARNING: Or they are just excited to see their dogin’BOX with you. 

Bring you things

Dogs love to please their owners, and one way they do this is by bringing you things. Whether it's a toy, a bone, or even your shoes, your pup is trying to show you that they care about you and want to make you happy. Imagine how hard it is to share his precious goodies with you!

Let you touch their head

Dogs show trust and affection by allowing their owners to touch their heads. This is a sign that they feel safe and comfortable around you and trust you completely. And of course, letting you touch their dogin’BOX, means you are the chosen one.  

Of course, dogs are the most loyal and loving creatures on earth. These five signs are just a few of the many ways that your doggo shows you how much they adore you. So next time your dog wags their tail, licks you, freaks out when you get home, brings you things, or lets you touch their head, remember that it's a sign of their undying love for you. And if you want to show love to your doggo – a subscription for dogin’BOX is the perfect way! Start with your dog’s name HERE!